It was very
intimidating to be among so many adults acting so seriously at a
joyous time of year. It would take many years for me to grow into
that particular holiday mood but the germs of it were planted those
years with Grandma and her relatives. The time of year, the early
darkness, the serious story about Jesus and his complicated entry
into life were juxtaposed with all the mythological and illogical
aspects of a confusing holiday. Life at school with my peers had us
focused on holiday foods, on glittery decorations, on long gift wish
lists, on someone called Santa who made some arbitrary decisions
about good and bad among us with all the implied consequences if one
fell on one side of the calculation and not on the other, and on the
exhausting build-up of anticipation.
My relationship to
Christmas was a complicated one as long as I can remember. I think I
caught on to the mythology/reality of Santa pretty early and tried
hard not to infect my siblings with the reality as the years rolled
on. Perhaps it was my exposure to deeply religious elders at a young
age that angled me away from the secular elements of Christmas that
never seemed to jibe with the rich symbolism of the ancient story.
When I got older, it was difficult for me to tell my parents what it
was I wanted for Christmas. I remember one year when I tried to steer
them away from all the gift-giving, the heaps of presents that took
my mom weeks to wrap in secret in the basement. It wasn't possible
for them to understand how uncomfortable it was for me to sift
through all the presents and not get to what I really wanted for
Christmas. What I really wanted was for the family to gather together
in the lights of the tree in a time of sacred meaning. The mountain
of presents on Christmas morning and my dad's absence when he was
called away to the hospital for one of his obstetrical patients
prevented that from ever happening. I admit that even when our own
children were growing up presents from a wish list were what we gave.
But we also gave them the readings that had become a tradition and a
symbol of the sacred meaning so important to me.

One of
my Grandma's oldest, dearest, and most loyal friends was a woman her
age who asked us to call her “Nana.” Her name was also Byrd
Lomax. She was from Texas and I think she and Grandma became linked
for life there in the early years of the 20th
century. Nana might have been someone who nursed Grandma through a
serious bout of tuberculosis those early years. When Grandma got old
and debilitated from a series of strokes, Nana moved from her home in
Texas to Boulder, Colorado, to be a live-in caretaker for Grandma.
That is when I got to know her better. But when I was about 11 or 12
years old, the one Christmas Nana shared with all of us, I received a
gift from her that I have to this day on my dresser. It was in the
embracing aura of the age-encrusted old house and after all the
readings had been completed that we received the presents from
Grandma. I don't remember what Grandma gave us that year (it was
actually dad who decided what presents we should receive with Grandma
paying for them), but I will never forget what Nana gave me. It was a
very small package, the size of which appealed to me in the face of
the mountain we had piled up at our house. I didn't understand what
it was at first and reflexively thought it to be such a small and
insignificant gift, but then it opened up like the wings of an angel
and inside this small nut-like housing was a miniature detailed
carving of the Madonna. The housing was as dark as walnut but the
Madonna was bright white in contrast. (An image of this magic gift is
attached here.). She glowed in her long gown and her head was
encircled with a halo, all carved in detail, etched in its own way. I
don't know what Nana's religious tradition was and the Quakers had
never made any fuss over the Madonna, but I felt an instantaneous
affiliation with the spirit of this gift. I felt that Nana had
actually seen me in my sadness and a precocious overreaction to the
over-glow of an exaggerated and misplaced consumption. I felt she had
reached down to me and placed in my hands a gift of great value,
perhaps a gift she herself had cherished on her own personal altar
and had thought I might also cherish. I have cherished it all these
intervening years and not just at Christmastime. The intervening
years have been filled with Quaker traditions and commitments,
studies of all the major faith traditions, as well as training as a
chaplain in Zen Buddhist forms. Yet, this little Madonna shines today
just as she did when I opened the wings of her grotto. She houses
Nana's sensitivity to one young boy's deepest need many years ago and
represents an ideal for me today as I strive to be faithful. When I
think about it now, the gift was a miniaturized version of the room
in which we all sat. Just as the room and its deepened dark had
opened up to this wonderful gift, so the gift itself had opened up
into a mysterious realm when its shell-like doors had swung open on
their little hinges. The lights of the tree and the glow of the
Madonna in her retreat had opened up into a newly forming
I would like to
think that I have the sensitivity to know what another little child's
deepest need is at any time but particularly at Christmas when the
magic of a spiritual life began. But we don't know what is in another
person's heart or what a small gift at a certain time will mean over
a lifetime. We can listen and keep our eyes open and make the best
guesses we can. We can lean down and notice and consider. We can
celebrate and make joy and love the greatest gifts. We can be ready
for not-knowing and for the mystery at the heart of things.
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